Before you have a building inspection done on that Melbourne home, you want to buy; you should know what you’re going to get. More people are looking to have building inspections before buying them, and we can’t be happier.
Building inspections are the only way to secure your future and ensure that the house you’re buying won’t be a waste. However, it doesn’t mean you can’t be armed with some knowledge if you decide to inspect Melbourne buildings yourself. We’ve picked up quite a few things during our years of inspections, and that’s what we’ll be giving you in this inspection guide.
Right from the moment you step on the property, you should analyse everything you see outside. Does the fence look sturdy? Are there cracks running along the length of it? How do the home’s walls and roofing system look? You’re allowed to touch, so if anything seems weak to you, you can go over to verify if the seller appears nervous or doesn’t allow you to touch anything.
You could overlook this, but the property's landscape also matters. A well-cared lawn is usually a sign that the person selling the property cares about maintenance.
The doors and windows are essential; broken and weak doors cost a ton to replace. It isn’t something you should deal with; everything should be in peak condition. Broken windows or windows that look like they’re about to fall off their hinges are red flags.
Also, check out the doors; are they sturdy? Do they squeak whenever you open and close them? Be as thorough as possible in the property.
How does the property smell? If it smells musty, there are damp corners in the home. The property should smell clean and free of any odours. Check all the rooms out. Are there any wet spots in the bathroom? How are the wardrobes? Are there any visible cracks? Check out all the rooms in the property, especially the attic and basement.
The attic and basement often get overlooked; meanwhile, they hold a lot of defects.
Every home has three major systems; heating, ventilation and cooling (HVAC), plumbing, and electrical. Is the property well-ventilated? Is the HVAC system functional? Turn it on to find out.
Do the faucets in all areas of the property work? Turn them on to find out. Check out for any apparent leakages or dark spots under the sink. Test the hot water systems too.
For the electrical system, is the entirety of the property well-lighted? Do all the electric outlets work? Check out every appliance in the Melbourne home to see if they work.
A building inspection is a strenuous process, so most people leave it up to the professionals. It’s very time-consuming, and it’s easy to miss a lot of things.
Contact premium pre-purchase inspections to avoid purchasing bad properties! Our inspectors use high-tech equipment and are well-trained in all things inspection-related.